Friday, 4 November 2011

{NaBloPoMo #4} Cute Journals and Word Processing

When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?

Both! I've always kept a journal with me and I've also kept an online journal (and I still do, and you will never see it) for a couple of years. Now that I've taken to writing fictional pieces - especially for NaNoWriMo - my physical journal is now filled with different kinds of things. I used to buy fairly small journals, fearing that I may not end up using it to its entirety, but soon, I grew tired of doing that and so I just recently bought a massive journal. Actually, it was a spur-of-the-moment buy because my school was selling 100% recycled notebooks and journals. The beautiful thing about it though was that the company that was supplying these pretty books would, in turn, give a notebook to a child in need. So it's basically like a book for a book. Here's a picture of mine:

They didn't let me choose the design when I bought it, but it's fine because it's still adorable.

I went a bit off topic there, but in the end, I like writing both online and on paper. The feeling of finishing a notebook is just as awesome as seeing your word count surpass 20, 000 (to which my friends can only ogle and call me a freak - lovingly, of course).


Molly Bunn said...

I love the quote on your journal. I also really like you blog layout! :)

Kim V. said...

Hi Melissa! Thank you for the comment, and I just recently changed the layout, thanks haha.
